A word about Copyright

The Copyright Act 1968 (Commonwealth) exists to protect the economic and moral rights of the author/creator of a work. 

In books, you need to seek express permission from the author or publisher to reproduce copyright material, unless you are using a ‘reasonable portion’for: 

  • Research or study 
  • Reporting news 
  • Criticism or review 
  • Educational purposes such as a performance of a literary work in class where the classes are not conducted for profit 

A ‘reasonable portion’ is defined in the Act as being either 10% of the number of pages in a print edition or a single chapter if the book has chapters. In electronic publishing, the limits are 10% of the number of words in the work or one chapter if the work has chapters. 

For further advice about copyright, visit the Australian Copyright Council website. 


For permission to use material from books and images featured in this website, contact: [email protected] 

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